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Lozano-Blasco, Raquel: Mira-Aladren, Marta: Gil-Lamata, Mercedes: Social media influence on young people and children: Analysis on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. [2023]
Collado-Alonso, Rocio: Picazo-Sanchez, Laura: Lopez-Pastor, Ana-Teresa: Garcia-Matilla, Agustin: What do social media teach? Influencers and followers in informal edication in social media. [2023]
Garrido, Felipe: Alvarez, Alexandra: Gonzalez-Caballero, Juan Luis: Garcia, Pilar: Couso, Beatriz: u.a.: Description of the exposure of the most-followed Spanish instamoms' children to social media. [2023]
Xu, Ying: Levine, Julian: Vigil, Valery: Ritchie, Daniel: Zhang, Shan: u.a.: Interaction with a television character powered by artificial intelligence promotes children's science learning. [2023]
Theophilou, Emily: Schwarze, Veronica: Boersting, Johanna: Sanchez-Reina, Roberto: Scifo, Lidia: u.a.: Empirically investigating virtual learning companions to enhance social media literacy. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine: Gloeckler, Stephan: Kheredmand, Hediye: Rathgeb, Thomas: Jugend, Information, Medien. Ergebnisse der JIM-Studie 2022. [2023]
Valtorta, Roberta Rosa: Baldissarri, Cristina: Raguso, Guiseppe: D'Ecclesiis, Giulia: Volpato, Chiara: Gender stereotypes and sexualization in Italian children's television advertisements. [2023]
Wilska, Terhi-Anna: Holkkola, Matilda: Tuominen, Jesse: The role of social media in the creation of young people's consumer identities. [2023]
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